Bring your team together with our multi-user upgrade. Allocate “seats” to colleagues giving the entire team unlimited access to our extensive sound library and add more seats as your team grows!
ZapSplat for Teams
Subscriptions automatically renew until cancelled – cancel anytime. If the main account is cancelled, all seats are also cancelled.
- Fast unlimited downloads
- Hundreds of sounds added daily
- Attribution free
- Pro quality audio
- 1000s of extra sounds
- More royalty free music
- Premium sound packs
- Expanded results per page
- Sound lists
- Turn off ads
Step 1: Upgrade
Choose a monthly or yearly recurring subscription and select how many seats you require. You’ll be able to assign each seat to a colleague after checkout either directly or by sending them an invite link.
Step 2: Add Colleagues to Seats
Once you are upgraded, each team member accesses our library via their own account. Team admins can easily and quickly manage seats at any time. You can also add more seats as your team grows.
Ready to Upgrade?
Monthly | £3 per seatYearly | £22.50 per seatSubscriptions automatically renew until cancelled – cancel anytime. If the main account is cancelled, all seats are also cancelled.