Back when we started back in 2015, we did so with a few thousand free sound effects with the aim to record many more and work with some talented sound designers to contribute and bring more too. The vision is still as strong today as it was back then and today we are pleased to announce we’ve hit the 11,000 sound effects mark.
We are not aiming to become the largest free sound effects library online, nor do we plan to compete against any other library in terms of content. We only record sounds we’re asked for, or sounds we need ourselves for the projects we work on and upload the surplice here.
We now work with over 30 contributors who all bring their own unique range of sound effects for you to download and use in your projects, We’re aiming to work with even more in the future too.
And if that were not enough, we’re soon to launch our new sound effects store, offering over 50,000 professional sound effects to purchase along side our free range. As with everything we do, all profits raised are donated to support charities including Deaf Child Worldwide. We believe we’ll be the only non-profit sound effects library which we are extremely proud of.
Well back to work, we have loads more to record!
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