Free production sound effects

Here are all the sounds that have been tagged with production.

Sound design, production element, hit, dark with data element beeps

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Synthesized high, ringing swell that abruptly cuts off


Synthesized, eerie, magical whoosh that grows from an airy whistle spreading through the spectrum with bass and higher whistles before decaying


Whoosh made from a household crash. Begins with short, ringing tones then ominous, muted roar with ringing notes continuing in background


Whoosh made from sliding a shower curtain. Slow, dark airy build; grows into eerie, metallic resonances and a wind-like swirl, then fades, builds


Whoosh made from sliding a shower curtain. Swirling, high, rapid discordant notes over a rising roar


Whoosh to hit made from a household crash. A dark, muffled whoosh from right to left into a muffled impact with slow attack

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