Driving manual car sound effects

Driving Manual Car

13 driving around in a manual car sound effects to download in mp3 and wav formats. We set up a microphone inside a 2010 manual Toyota Corolla and recorded a journey into town, capturing busy roads on the outskirts, stop and start traffic at the many traffic lights, driving into and out of a multi-storey carpark, over speed bumps and finally onto a motorway. Speeds and durations of travel vary, from 60kph up to 100kph with windows open and closed to make this pack highly versatile. If you are looking for the sound effects of a car being driven around, this pack is for you, ideal for any film, game, podcast or other creative project. We have thousands of other free car driving sounds in the main library, plus packs to compliment this such as a previously recorded session with the same Toyota Corolla, our Car Door Sounds pack and more. Enjoy.

13 files in this pack

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Sound from Zapsplat.com

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