More new free sound effects just added


As Christmas fast approaches, things tend to slow down with regards to sound effects usage and also creation in the industry. Most production companies have already put together their festive programmes and media, students have broken up for the holidays and people are often more inclined to party than work. But that’s not the case here, as I’ve been working hard to bring even more free sound effects for you to download. Yeah, I’ll stop for a bit soon, but while the ideas for new free sound effects and also royalty free music keep coming, I’ll keep creating!

So, here are some of the new free sfx that have just been added to the library…

Metal scrapes

I was in my garage this week getting the Christmas decorations out when I found an old piece of wood with a couple of very sharp nails sticking out. I instantly had some ideas of how I this could be used to create some new soundfx. I used the nail sticking out and scraped it on a metal frame that holds a platform up in the garage to see what sound it made, which I have to say was an ear piercing squeak that I knew would be useful for a range of different applications. Recording loads of different length scrapes and motions, I was able to get some interesting sounds. I’ve uploaded them as is into the Metal Foley category, where they can be downloaded for free. I’d suggest they could be useful for horror noises if pitched down and a large reverb added, or used for train brake screeches etc.

Other scrapes

I also found the nail sounded particularly good when scraped against wood and cardboard. Therefore I also added some variations of these too. They are all in the Foley category.

Slingshot releases

I’d been asked for these via email so I set about creating them today. These were easy to create and I did so by using a rubber band and stretching it out across a ‘v’ shaped piece of wood. Adjusting the tension, I was able to get a couple of nice pull, release and snap back sounds that should work well if you’re looking for the sound of a slingshot firing. If these don’t work for you, we have many rubber band sounds here which may also be useful.

Wooden chair drags and slides

I have added several of these to the library over the last 2 years but a member requested a particular wooden dragging sound on concrete ground, so I set about adding a few extras this week. Luckily I was able to find some old wood offcuts and nail them together to create the exact size and style of chair the member had asked for. I then took it to my garage which has a concrete floor and performed various drags and scrapes, getting some interesting vibration sounds. There are a mixture of long, short and other motions included.

I’ll be adding more free sound effects over the next couple of weeks so even if you’ve wound down for Christmas already, they’ll be in the library for download whenever you need them.

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