Looking back at 2015 and forward to 2016 for free sound effects at Zapsplat.com

It’s been a fantastic year for us here at zapsplat.com. It’s the year we launched and started offering our range of free sound effects…. In fact we have grown from our initial offering over just over 5,000 to a whopping almost 9,000 free sounds and we are still growing daily. Our original website was a simple affair allowing people to register to download any of our sounds as mp3s. But soon you told us you wanted the original uncompressed wav files, so we started offering those too.


One thing we realised early on was we would struggle to record and upload a wide enough range of sounds to meet demand. It was almost impossible for us to get to the Amazon rainforest in time for those who needed rainforest ambiences and getting to the top of a mountain to record a thunderstorm, well…. That was something we again just couldn’t manage right away. Adding contributors was the solution and we started distributing amazing professional sound effects from a wide range of professional field recordists from around the world. All of a sudden our library grew to include amazing free sound effects from all four corners of the globe.

Going Social

Our sound effects are used by professionals, amateurs and hobbyists from many industries: filmmakers; animators; theatre; television; software, game and app developers; presentations; museums and art installations and so much more. It seemed only right that we make zapsplat.com more engaging. So in November 2015 we included a range of social features…. Groups, friend connections, forums and more. These are new and growing but we hope over time as our community grows, so will the social aspects of the site.

Looking forward to 2016

We have lots of plans ahead for the new year. Features such as bulk downloads, packs, a music library expansion and more sound effect contributors will all be starting from early 2016.

So please let us know if you have any feature or sound effect requests by contacting us.

Wising you all a very Happy Christmas and here is looking forward to 2016

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