Designing Sound Exchange


Back in June 2016, opened their Exchange, a great questions and answers forum for sound designers to exchange info and get answers to the questions they ask. A quick browse shows all manner of questions having being asked from how to get your recording gear back through security screenings at airports through to ‘the most amazing backward sound’… it really is a great little community to get involved with.

But, like so many online ventures, it seems they have had some trouble getting people on board and using the service. So, as an incentive to getting interactive, the Designing Sound team have put together a fantastic range of prizes to be awarded to the most engaged users…

The Designing Sound December Giveaway is kicking off wit the chance to win ‘software bundle from Soundmorph, which includes every piece of sound design software they’ve released to date (Galactic Assistant, DR01D, Wave Warper, Time Flux and Evil Twin)!’ The full range of prizes will be announced on December 2nd 2016 when the winner of the aforementioned prize is announced.

Why is it important to get involved in groups such as this? There are so many great benefits to joining a online community that focuses on a specific subject. Firstly you can easily get quick answers to your questions. Secondly you can help others out who need information that might not be easy to find online. I’m pretty sure there have been times when you just needed advice on how to use that plugin, or the best way to record something. Resources rich in first hand information are so much more powerful than a user manual, or FAQ.

So please head over to Designing Sound’s Exchange and start engaging with the fantastic community.

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