We’ve just added 42 new free sound effects that we’ve been asked for by you, our members. This latest instalment includes: Cabinet doors and drawers opening and closing, games, toys, electrical buzzing and much more.
Funnily enough our users request certain Foley sound effects from us often to replicate a particular type of unit or action. Often, someone will require the sound, for example, of an antique, heavy wooden draw opening and they just can’t find that suits. They send us a picture of what the actual one looks like and then we work from that. However it’s often easier for us to manipulate a recording of another unit (maybe a smaller, modern one) and apply effects and processing to make it fit. We may pitch it down, add some reverbs or EQ or a combination to thicken the sound and make it appear bigger and heavier. So, if you’re trying to get a specific sound, try thinking about how you can use certain techniques to get the desired sound…. And then sometimes we just go out and record a big old antique drawer 🙂
As always if you can’t find the sound you need, we’ll happily try and create it for you. Or you an check out www.freesound.org.
Christmas is coming…
If you hadn’t realised, Christmas is just around the corner. Typically at this time of year we notice a slow down in traffic to our website and we also tend to slow down a little, just to help ease the hangovers and do a few extra runs to work off the excesses. We’ll still be recording and uploading right up until Christmas Eve, then stop for a couple of days to relax and celebrate. But we will be back between Christmas and New Years Eve adding even more sounds!
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