Free sound effect categories

Search through our extensive free sound effects categories below to find your perfect sounds, or you can use the search bar above. All our SFX are recorded and edited by professional field recordists and sound designers and licensed to you for use in your project. With thousands of SFX in our library and hundreds more added daily, we’re one of the fastest growing SFX libraries online. Whether you’re a filmmaker, game developer, podcaster, need free sound effects for YouTube, TV, radio or any creative project, we have you covered. Don’t forget about our free sound effect packs or our royalty free music.

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Why use

We add hundreds more free sound effects every week for instant download and work with some of the best professional sound designers and libraries to bring you fresh, exciting new content. All our sounds are 100% legal to use, recorded by ourselves or our contributors. We own the copyrights or are authorised to distribute them meaning you can use our audio with absolute confidence. We take great pride in the quality of the sounds in our library and check every single one to make sure they meet our strict quality guidelines.

Why do we offer free sound effects to download?

What’s the catch? That’s something we get asked a lot. There isn’t one. Back in 2015, when ZapSplat founder Alan started the library, he was struggling to find professional quality sounds and music for free, so decided to create a library that did just that. Offering a vast library of free sounds and music helps everyone, from hobbyists, aspiring creatives and students right through to major production companies and broadcasters. We’re monetised through upgrades, which helps us grow the library and pay for the things required to run it, but ZapSplat will always be predominately a free sound effects library.

What type of projects or platforms can I use the sound effects in?

Our free sound effects can be used in everything from games and apps, YouTube and streaming platforms such as Twitch, by filmmakers and videographers, websites and blogs, commercials, TV, radio and podcasts, social media, including Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, in art and exhibitions… in fact you can pretty much use our sounds in any creative project, even for broadcast. All our sounds are royalty free.

Simple Licensing for all our sounds and music

All our sound effects and music are royalty free, which means while we or our contributors retain all copyrights, we grant you a license to use them in your work and you can use our sounds for free without having to pay any royalties or other fees.


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Remember, you must credit us/provide attribution when using our sounds/music in your work. An example would be:

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Get Unlimited Downloads, Attribution Free and More When you Upgrade for Just £5

  • Unlimited downloads
  • Removal of the attribution requirement
  • Higher quality sounds (get the wavs too)
  • Thousands of extra sounds
  • Premium professional soundfx packs
  • Create and organise sounds into lists
  • More results per page & ad free

Basic members can download 4 sounds & packs every hour to save bandwidth

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Get unlimited downloads and more!

  • Unlimited downloads
  • Removal of the attribution requirement
  • Ad free
  • Pro quality sounds (get the wavs too)
  • Thousands of extra sounds
  • Lists, more results per page & more

All this from just £5