26,000 free sound effects to download

Ripped jeans

Another busy day was spent in the studio today (plus some hours spent recording at a new location which will be revealed soon). I had over 200 new sounds recorded over the last few days waiting to be edited down. Here is a quick breakdown of just some of the new soundfx that have just been uploaded.

Denim jeans

I found an old pair of denim jeans at the back of my wardrobe this week and just as I was about to throw them out, my Foley brain kicked in, realising there was an opportunity here to record some great rips and other sounds.

I started by using some scissors to cut some slots in the jeans (a place to be able to start the rip) and also while I was at it I recorded the sound of me cutting the fabric. Then I simply recorded nice and close up several sections being ripped.

You’ll find them in the main library

Bubble wrap

If like me you just can’t resist the urge to pop bubble wrap when you come across it, then you’ll understand how difficult it was to record some of these bubble wrap sound effects today. I was of course fully intending to record some pops at the end, but before that I wanted to get some other sounds. So avoiding the temptation, I recorded several movements and also hand rubbing across the surface of the wrap laid out on the floor. This produced a really squeaky noise, which you can hear here.

Then it was down to the main event…. Popping!

Pieces of shattered glass

A few months ago there was a nice big storm that crossed over our home with some strong winds. Unfortunately for me, I left an umbrella up over a glass table and the umbrella pole moved, shattering the glass table. I realised the thousands of pieces of glass that were the result would come in very handy, so I saved them in a plastic container for later. I’d all but forgotten about them until the other day when I ventured into the garage to grab something and saw the glass just sat there.

So dragging it out, I set up my mics and started to record some sounds. I had a small piece of wood handy which I started by poking into the glass and recording the movements. Then I recorded several sounds of handfuls of the glass dropping onto the big pile and also some sprinkles too. The strange thing is the shear amount of glass moving at the same time gives a much different sound that expected. Take a listen for yourself.

Brick scrapes and scratches

The idea for these sounds came from watching a movie the other night where a climber was engraving some words on a rock and I realised I could recreate the sound with a brick. So I took a fork (the cutlery kind) and used the sharp end to start with some simple scratches. Next I experimented with different sections of the fork which gave different tones.

That’s it for today. Tomorrow I’ll be recording more and also getting ready to go on location. More will be revealed later this week.

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